$350 Mini Grants for Energy Themed Green Service & Learning Projects
Our goal at BPS is to host 20 unique projects at our school sites that help to save energy, resources and make the school and it’s grounds healthier and more inviting for students and staff. In the past we’ve had students, staff and parents conduct a recycling and trash waste audit, build garden beds, install rain barrels to capture rain water to water the gardens, outfit a computer lab with smart power strips, and even host a free climate change assembly with our local partner, Alliance for Climate Education. It’s a great time of year for schools to kick off their green team, host lessons in class about recycling or talk to staff about ways to make sure the building is maintained as a healthy learning space. All these efforts count as a Green Apple project!
Many schools seek grant funds or donations to make their projects possible and this year thanks to the US Green Building Council MA Chapter, schools in the Eversource and NGRID electric and gas territories (that’s all BPS schools)
are eligible to apply for a $350 mini-grant to host an ENERGY EFFICIENCY OR CONSERVATION project. Energy project applications for the mini grant program are being accepted on a rolling basis through mid September. The sooner you get your application in though, the more likely you will be to receive funds. Wondering what an energy efficiency or conservation project could look like in your school? Check out this list of project ideas to get you started.