Back to School Supplies

Start off this school year with some green school supplies to save some money, and help protect the environment!


Start by taking an inventory of the supplies you already have. Some supplies such as rulers, calculators, even mechanical pencils (with some lead refills) can be reused year after year.  Folders and binders from past classes can be reused if you take out the old notes, and even unfinished notebooks can be used until you fill them up.

It is also useful to do an inventory before you shop because then you can create a list of exactly what items you need. If you shop with a list you’ll be less likely to buy unnecessary items that just create clutter.

Buy Thrifty

If you’re buying new clothes for the school year, see what you can find in thrifty stores. Hand-me-downs also make great “new” clothes for the new owner, and either source is sure to provide some fashionable outfits.

You may also be able to procure some school supplies second hand from older siblings or neighbors.

Buying Green

What you can’t find used, buy green. Items made from post consumer recycled materials are always good. There are several great resources for buying green school supplies including Pilot pens, Roaring Spring notebooks, Bento lunch boxes, and Terracycle bags. Find more great products at the Ultimate Green Store.