The City of Boston is striving towards carbon neutrality while preparing for climate change and preserving our natural resources and historic sites.
Learn more about Boston climate action from the City of Boston’s Department of Energy, Environment, and Open Space.
City of Boston Climate Action Plan & Guide
Boston’s 2019 Climate Action Plan update will set us on the path toward carbon neutrality.
Want to take action now? Check out the City of Boston’s Climate Action Guide for tips for home, work, and school.
Concerned about extreme temperatures and emergency preparedness? Visit
Climate Ready Boston
Climate Ready Boston is an ongoing initiative to develop resilient solutions to prepare the City of Boston for climate change.
Carbon Free Boston
Carbon Free Boston is an initiative to prepare the City to go carbon neutral by 2050.
Zero Waste Boston
Zero Waste Boston is an initiative to transform Boston into a zero waste city through planning, policy, and community engagement.
- Boston Student Advisory Council and BPS Sustainability authored a set of BPS sustainability and green building recommendations, which were incorporated into the BuildBPS Phase II plan. These efforts have evolved into the Green New Deal for BPS.
- As a city agency, Boston Public Schools follows the City of Boston’s 2019 Climate Action Plan and partners with the Mayor Michelle Wu’s administration on the Green New Deal (GND) for BPS, as first announced in 2022. Immediately for GND, BPS has published a Building Dashboard which integrates data from the SY22 Opportunity Index and information on each school building’s capital assets and environmental conditions. BPS has also hired Bureau Veritas Technical Assessments to complete a Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA), a detailed analysis that will produce a larger, in-depth dataset of building conditions and make recommendations for repair, replacement, and renovation.
- BSAC and students from across BPS provided critical young people input to the City of Boston’s 2019 Climate Action Plan Update. Former BSAC VP and BLA alum Ahria Ilyas spoke during Mayor Walsh’s December 11, 2019 signing of an Executive Order requiring all new municipal buildings to target a Zero Net Carbon standard.
- In partnership with National Grid and Steam Trap Systems, BPS Facilities Management completed new steam trap installations in 71 schools during 2018. A total of 6,900 steam traps were replaced at no cost to BPS, with an anticipated energy savings of 30% (guesstimated that 30% of steam traps may have been faulty.) This equates to an unadjusted gas savings of almost $200,000/yr.
- From 2017-2021, the BPS cogeneration (combined heat and power) fleet generated $669,182 for BPS through utility rebates, AEC’s, and Demand Response participation. The earnings are revolved back into the repair and maintenance of the fleet.
- Over the past 10 years, BPS Office of Instructional and Information Technology (BPSTechnology) has reduced the BPS on-site data center footprint by 50% through a combination of virtualization efforts and shifts towards cloud services. Additionally, BPS built a new, state of the art data center in 2015 that increased the efficiency of our energy and cooling systems for on-premise data and networking services.
Facilities Management
1216 Dorchester Ave.
Boston, MA 02125